Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot


Search for Inmates on the Jail Roster in King County Washington. Results: Arrest Records, Mugshot, Charges, Bookings, Offense Dates, Offense Description, Related Incidents, Bail Amount, Warrants, Arrest Location, Incarceration Date, Scheduled Release, Jail Housing Location, Court.

King County Sheriff Information

King County is located is the western section of the state of Washington, At the 2017 census, the population was estimated to be 2,188,649. King is the most populous cunty in Washing and the 13th most populated cunty in the United States. The county seat is Seattle which is the state’s largest city. The count is named after Alabama resident William R King the vice president under President Franklin Pierce.

Sheriff’s Information

The King County Sheriff’s office is the primary law enforcement agency for unincorporated areas of King County as well as 12 cities, two transit agencies that are contracted to the KCSO. The department has over 1,000 employees and serves almost 2 million citizens.

Mitzi Johanknecht, Sheriff

Scott Somers, Undersheriff

Lisa Mulligan, Chief of Patrol Operations

Jerrell Wills, Chief of Criminal Investigations

516 Third Avenue Room W-116

Seattle, WA 98104-2312

Phone: 206-296-3311

King County Records/Court Clerk

The Clerk of the Council hold records for all council proceedings and legislation. They are responsible for the thorough and accurate processing of records and control over records identification, retrieval and locations.

Melani Pedroza, Clerk of the Council

King County Curthouse

516 Third Ave., Room 1200

Seattle, WA 98104

Washington Annual Crime Report 2017

2017 Crimes Statistics

No stats for the County just for individual police departments.

County Jail Information

The Department of Adult & Juvenile Detention is one of 15 department within King County. There are approximately 1,000 uniformed staff.

The Correctional Facility

500 Fifth Avenue

Seattle WA.

The facility was opened in 1986 and employs over 350 correctional staff.

Visiting schedules are determined by inmate locations. You need to find out where the inmate you want to visit is located and check in with jail reception fifteen minutes before the scheduled visit.

Website for visiting infozrmation and schedule

Jail Roster Information

To find an inmate in the King County detention center, search by name and date of birth.

Employment in the Sheriff’s Office

Careers with the Sheriff’s office can be found on the website at:

Apply online or contact the recruiter at:

Deputy career or entry level candidates need to undergo a testing process that can take 3 to 10 months. Apply now via Public Safety  Testing PST. These scores are valid for 1 year. Call King County Civil Service directly at 206 -447-7279 or the county Sheriff’s Office HR Department at 206-263-2664 for more information.

How to Report a Crime

If you are reporting an emergency, all 911. If you are reporting a non-emergency except for vandalisms or bombings/explosion, us the online form on the website at:

Reports will be looked at quickly. If you have changes to make to your original report, contact the sheriff’s office or find your original report and select the property category to add information.

To report graffiti that is gang -related call 206-296-3311.


Links to the sheriff’s department can be found at:

Inmate Record Check

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot