Adams County Records/Court Clerk
In criminal cases, the clerk issues warrants of arrests and summonses. The clerk records all witnesses, is responsible for safeguarding all exhibits, and records of jury appearances. The Clerk’s Office information:
Paulette J. Teske, Superior Court Clerk
PO Box 187
Ritzville, WA 99169
Phone: 509-659-3257
Washington Annual Crime Report 2017
County Jail Information
The Adams County Jail is a 30 bed facility located at the Adams County Sheriff’s Office.
Adams County Jail
Robert Reynolds, Jail Administrator
Nick Williams, Jail Commander
210 Broadway
Ritzville, WA 99169
Phone: 509-659-1122
Male Inmates can be visited on Saturday & Sunday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Female Inmates can be visited Saturday 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm or Sunday from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Visits need to b scheduled via Visitation form located on the sheriff’s site at:
Mail can be sent to an inmate by addressing an envelope as follows:
Inmates Name
210 W. Broadway
Ritzville, WA 99169
Include a return address.
Money can be mailed to an inmate, but it must be in cash only. Inmate account balances are not disclosed.
Inmates have access to telephone 24/7. Call are made collect or on a phone card. Only phone cards issued by the jail may be used. Inmates who have funds on their account are able to purchase $10 or $20 phone cards.
Jail Roster Information
Information includes:
First and Last name, incarceration date, scheduled release, jail location, arresting agency, arresting officer, and offense description.
Employment in the Sheriff’s Office
The Adams County Sheriff’s Office is accepting applications for Deputy Sheriff, Corrections Officer, and E911 Dispatchers. An application can be obtained by contacting the Adams County Sheriff’s Office.
Must be a US Citizen, at least 21 years of age, high school diploma or GED equivalent. You must have a valid Washington State Driver’s license and the ability to complete the Basic Law Enforcement Academy of the WSCJTC. Training classes will be required, and you will need to pass these.
An application fee of $25 is required when you apply.
Warrants are on file with the County Clerk, Paulette J. Teske 509-659-3257.
How to Report a Crime
When witnessing a crime or if you are a victim of a crime, report the information to the police right away. Your first call should be to dispatch at: 509-659-1122 or dial 911.
Criminal Records Links
The State of Washing includes 260 law enforcement agencies employing approx. 11,411 sword police officers. This is about 174 officers per 100,000 residents.
To reach the State Patrol:
To reach the FBI:
Basic Sex Offender Information: